[Pogamut-list] Pogamut 3.1 RC1 (beta) aka Pogamut 3.0.999 information

michal.bida pogamut-forum at diana.ms.mff.cuni.cz
Tue Oct 12 20:53:14 CEST 2010

Pogamut 3.1 RC1 (beta) aka Pogamut 3.0.999 information

Author: michal.bida

As you know from News - Pogamut 3.1 RC1 is out. It is in beta stage. We are struggling with NetBeans plugin instalation. 

__Known issues:__
# NetBeans installs some of the .jar files Pogamut needs wrongly. __Resolve:__ Copy and replace PogamutCore.jar and PogamutUT2004.jar from \NetBeans 6.9.1\nb\modules\ext\ to \NetBeans 6.9.1\nb\libs\ ! Then template and example projects should work again!
# POSH bots do not work, because SposhBot.jar library that comes with installer is wrong.  __Resolve:__ Download [http://diana.ms.mff.cuni.cz/pogamut_files/misc/SposhBot.jar|correct SposhBot.jar library here] and copy + replace it to \NetBeans 6.9.1\nb\libs\ and \NetBeans 6.9.1\nb\modules\ext\ .

__How to set up UDK:__
# Go to ((Download)) and install UDK with GameBots. 
# Then run the game and through UDK GUI create GameBots server (there are some problems with creating the server through console right now)
# Connect to the server with NetBeans. Note that PogamutUT2004 example projects should work in PogamutUDK, but this has not been tested! (However, we recommend to use PogamutUDK template bot and enhance him with code from example UT2004 Pogamut bots)

That is all for now. Don't hesitate to ask further question!

Reply Link: <http://diana.ms.mff.cuni.cz/main/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=6&comments_parentId=371#form>

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