[Pogamut-list] Importing projects inside cookbook's examples bots projects

frank_fjs pogamut-forum at diana.ms.mff.cuni.cz
Thu May 27 14:06:07 CEST 2010

Re: Importing projects inside cookbook's examples bots projects

Author: frank_fjs

Hi again,

I get it :)

I was trying all time with add Project (Properties) and it was the problem, thanks to your idea of add library I tryed next solutions that work.

First one:

1) 2) 3) like last post

4) I create a new Library using Tool menu option - New Library, I choose a name (LibraryArmamento for example), - Add jar/Folder, I choose my jar from my simple project

5) right click my bot project (in projects tab), select Properties. There click Libraries and click Add Library, and using my new library based on my simple project (LibraryArmamento). It is like you said but with a new Library not Pogamut library (is for that I said I was looking for oppositte solution :) ) 

Second one, easier:

1) 2) 3) like last post

4) right click my bot project (in projects tab), select Properties. There click Libraries and click Add JAR/Folder, and using my new jar based on my simple project (armamento.jar).

I don't know if add project must work, maybe It isn't the way of use Netbeans but I was obssed with add project, add project, add project :). I hope my posts are usefull.

Now I can intregate my fuzzy engine :)

Thank again and again



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