[Pogamut-list] Stuck at "READY"

aerique pogamut-forum at artemis.ms.mff.cuni.cz
Mon Mar 1 16:19:01 CET 2010

Re: Re: Stuck at "READY"

Author: aerique

''2) Before trying to communicate with GameBots2004 from lisp, check whether you can communicate with GB2004 via Telnet.''

I did try via [http://netcat.sourceforge.net/|netcat] but I initially didn't get any result with that either, but just now I told it to send a CRLF and got a response from the server to my "READY".

So I tried again in my Common Lisp program (which already sent a CRLF) but again: nothing.  However:

''3) Are you writing your own code to communicate with GB2004 (I think yes as you're using Lisp.) Isn't something like socket.flush() needed? (This is required in Java in order to flush buffers and really send the command.)''

This did help!  After adding a flush I am able to talk with the server.

Thanks a lot!

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