[Pogamut-list] Using UCCWrapper
pogamut-forum at diana.ms.mff.cuni.cz
Wed Jun 16 06:40:40 CEST 2010
Re: Using UCCWrapper
Author: jacob.schrum
I'm simply setting the map via
The full code is:
UCCWrapper.UCCWrapperConf config = new UCCWrapper.UCCWrapperConf();
UCCWrapper ucc = new UCCWrapper(config);
Though at this point, I'm certain this is not the problem because I tried the same code on another machine. It seems the problem is being caused by an inability to parse spaces in pathnames/filenames at some point in the process. The reason that "Tournament" gets singled out is that my installation path is "F:\Program Files\Unreal Tournament 2004". When I ran the same code on another system, I got the following errors:
(UCC) [INFO] 23:17:08.917 ID0 Executing Class Engine.ServerCommandlet
(UCC) [INFO] 23:17:09.235 ID0 Browse: (x86)\Unreal?Name=HeDeceives?Class=Engine.Pawn?Character=Abaddon?team=255?Sex=M?SpectatorOnly=1
(UCC) [INFO] 23:17:09.239 ID0 Failed to load '(x86)\Unreal': Can't find file '(x86)\Unreal'
(UCC) [INFO] 23:17:09.239 ID0 Failed to load 'Level None.MyLevel': Can't find file '(x86)\Unreal'
(UCC) [INFO] 23:17:09.239 ID0 Failed to enter (x86)\Unreal: Can't find file '(x86)\Unreal'
(UCC) [INFO] 23:17:09.239 ID0 Executing UObject::StaticShutdownAfterError
(UCC) [INFO] 23:17:09.240 ID0 UGameEngine::Init
(UCC) [INFO] 23:17:09.240 ID0 UServerCommandlet::Main
(UCC) [INFO] 23:17:09.240 ID0 Failed to enter (x86)\Unreal: Can't find file '(x86)\Unreal'
(UCC) [INFO] 23:17:09.240 ID0
(UCC) [INFO] 23:17:09.240 ID0
(UCC) [INFO] 23:17:09.240 ID0
(UCC) [INFO] 23:17:09.240 ID0 History: UGameEngine::Init
Reply Link: <http://diana.ms.mff.cuni.cz/main/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_reply_threadId=4&comments_parentId=233&post_reply=1#form>
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