[Pogamut-list] Portswap or some such problem

jacob.schrum pogamut-forum at diana.ms.mff.cuni.cz
Thu Dec 30 07:23:07 CET 2010

Portswap or some such problem

Author: jacob.schrum

I've suddenly been getting a series of messages when trying to launch a server. The server launch aborts. Several issues are mentioned, including a PORTSWAP, something about objects in memory and purging objects, and a problem with gamespy queries.

I am not aware of any changes that I made to any important system properties. UCC simply went from working to not working. I'm thinking the problem might be in my INI file, since I suspect that under certain circumstances running the UT2004 executable might change the INI file (but maybe I'm imagining this).

In any case, I can't launch a server with UCC any more, which is very annoying. I would appreciate any help. The full text of the error message is below:

Executing Class Engine.ServerCommandlet
Browse: DM-IceHenge?Name=HeDeceives?Class=Engine.Pawn?Character=Abaddon?team=255?Sex=M?SpectatorOnly=1?game=GameBots2004.BotDeathMatch?mutator=GameBot
Collecting garbage
Purging garbage
Garbage: objects: 29343->29340; refs: 337144
Game class is 'BotDeathMatch'
Bringing Level DM-IceHenge.myLevel up for play (20) appSeconds: 2.039000...
(Karma): Autodetecting CPU for SSE
(Karma): Using SSE Optimizations
Mutators GameBots2004.BotPrizeMutator
GameInfo::InitGame : bEnableStatLogging False
UdpServerQuery(crt): Port 7787 successfully bound.
PORTSWAP detected, exiting...  old port: 3130, new port: 7787, requested port: 7787
 Complete OBJ LIST:

                          Class  Count   NumBytes    MaxBytes
                     LinkerLoad    219       4347K       4356K
                          Class   1070       2968K       2968K
                     StaticMesh    109       2673K       2673K
                     TextBuffer    266       2589K       2589K
                   SkeletalMesh     31       1366K       1366K
                       Function   7503       1113K       1113K
                  MeshAnimation     25       1038K       1038K
                    TerrainInfo      1        646K        646K
             StaticMeshInstance    416        644K        644K
                 ObjectProperty   5286        598K        598K
                          Model    102        460K        466K
                   BoolProperty   3788        429K        429K
                        Texture    482        426K        426K
                    IntProperty   3335        364K        364K
                  FloatProperty   3222        352K        352K
                    StrProperty   3036        332K        332K
                StaticMeshActor    389        325K        325K
                 StructProperty   2868        324K        324K
                          Polys    102        323K        323K
                          State    184        212K        212K
                       PathNode    155        147K        147K
                  SpriteEmitter    125        144K        144K
                       VertMesh      2        126K        126K
                   ByteProperty    784         88K         88K
                   CacheManager      1         86K         86K
                  TerrainSector    256         83K         83K
                  MaplistRecord     25         79K         79K
                      ReachSpec    955         74K         74K
                  ClassProperty    554         64K         64K
                 MaplistManager      1         63K         63K
                        Emitter     64         61K         61K
                  ArrayProperty    532         60K         60K
                          Light     65         55K         55K
                 BlockingVolume     55         54K         54K
                  InventorySpot     55         53K         53K
           KarmaParamsCollision    390         47K         47K
                        Palette     38         40K         40K
                   NameProperty    357         39K         39K
                          Sound    221         30K         30K
                   AmbientSound     35         29K         29K
                        Package    400         23K         23K
               PackageCheckInfo    313         23K         23K
                     PackageMap      1         17K         18K
                         Struct    142         18K         18K
                    WaterVolume     13         17K         17K
                    MeshEmitter     15         17K         17K
               LimitationVolume     17         16K         16K
                  BotDeathMatch      1         15K         15K
                ProceduralSound     94         15K         15K
                    PlayerStart     16         15K         15K
                  NewWeaponBase     16         14K         14K
                           Enum    134         12K         12K
                     KMeshProps     13         12K         12K
               DelegateProperty    103         11K         11K
                      TexPanner     68         10K         10K
                          Level      1          9K         10K
                         Shader     82          8K          8K
               NewHealthCharger      8          7K          7K
                     SoundGroup     37          6K          6K
                          Const     87          6K          6K
                      GUIButton      8          5K          5K
                           Font      1          5K          5K
                      TexScaler     32          5K          5K
                       Combiner     54          4K          4K
                   TcpNetDriver      1          4K          4K
                     FinalBlend     57          4K          4K
                PointerProperty     40          4K          4K
                  BioAmmoPickup      4          4K          4K
               RocketAmmoPickup      4          4K          4K
                 FlakAmmoPickup      4          3K          3K
                ShockAmmoPickup      4          3K          3K
        ClassicSniperAmmoPickup      4          3K          3K
              MinigunAmmoPickup      4          3K          3K
                 LinkAmmoPickup      4          3K          3K
                       GUILabel      5          3K          3K
                       Sunlight      4          3K          3K
                       GUIImage      5          3K          3K
                     GUIToolTip      4          2K          2K
     UnrealVoiceReplicationInfo      1          2K          2K
                     TexRotator     13          2K          2K
                  AccessControl      1          2K          2K
                 GUIContextMenu      3          2K          2K
                  TexOscillator     13          2K          2K
           AltSectionBackground      3          2K          2K
                      LevelInfo      1          2K          2K
                  PhysicsVolume      2          2K          2K
                 UnrealChatRoom      2          2K          2K
             MasterServerUplink      1          2K          2K
                        Cubemap      8          1K          1K
            GameReplicationInfo      1          1K          1K
               GUIScrollTextBox      2          1K          1K
                      WebServer      1          1K          1K
            GUIVertScrollButton      2          1K          1K
              UnrealChatHandler      1          1K          1K
               BroadcastHandler      1          1K          1K
                      DMMutator      1          1K          1K
                     GameEngine      1          1K          1K
                   GBHUDMutator      1          1K          1K
                BotPrizeMutator      1          1K          1K
              AnimNotify_Script     24          1K          1K
                    SkyZoneInfo      1          1K          1K
                       ZoneInfo      1          1K          1K
           DefaultPhysicsVolume      1          1K          1K
                UdpGamespyQuery      1          1K          1K
                 xWeatherEffect      1          1K          1K
      MapVoteMultiColumnListBox      1          0K          0K
     KickVoteMultiColumnListBox      1          0K          0K
 MapVoteCountMultiColumnListBox      1          0K          0K
                          Brush      1          0K          0K
                      TexEnvMap     11          0K          0K
   PlayerInfoMultiColumnListBox      1          0K          0K
             SuperShieldCharger      1          0K          0K
                 UDamageCharger      1          0K          0K
          NewSuperHealthCharger      1          0K          0K
                     moComboBox      1          0K          0K
                      moEditBox      1          0K          0K
                     GUIListBox      1          0K          0K
           GUISectionBackground      1          0K          0K
                  MapVoteFooter      1          0K          0K
                     GUIEditBox      1          0K          0K
               GUIVertScrollBar      1          0K          0K
                      GUIHeader      1          0K          0K
                 GUIComboButton      1          0K          0K
       GUIMultiColumnListHeader      1          0K          0K
              GUIVertGripButton      1          0K          0K
                  FloatingImage      1          0K          0K
              GUIVertScrollZone      1          0K          0K
                  ConstantColor      8          0K          0K
                   LevelSummary      1          0K          0K
                 UT2MidGameFont      1          0K          0K
                fntUT2k4MidGame      1          0K          0K
                         System      1          0K          0K
             UT2SmallHeaderFont      1          0K          0K
              UT2ServerListFont      1          0K          0K
                   UT2SmallFont      1          0K          0K
                    UT2MenuFont      1          0K          0K
            fntUT2k4SmallHeader      1          0K          0K
                     UT2IRCFont      1          0K          0K
                  fntUT2k4Small      1          0K          0K
                 fntUT2k4Header      1          0K          0K
                  fntUT2k4Large      1          0K          0K
                    fntUT2k4IRC      1          0K          0K
                 fntUT2K4Medium      1          0K          0K
                   fntUT2k4Menu      1          0K          0K
                  UT2HeaderFont      1          0K          0K
                   UT2LargeFont      1          0K          0K
                      MatchInfo      1          0K          0K
                KarmaParamsSkel      1          0K          0K
                      FadeColor      3          0K          0K
               fntUT2k4MainMenu      1          0K          0K
                 UT2DefaultFont      1          0K          0K
             fntUT2k4ServerList      1          0K          0K
                fntUT2k4Default      1          0K          0K
                xAdminGroupList      3          0K          0K
                 xAdminUserList      3          0K          0K
              VariableTexPanner      1          0K          0K
                     xAdminUser      1          0K          0K
               MaterialSequence      1          0K          0K
                    xAdminGroup      1          0K          0K
             Action_MOVETOPOINT      1          0K          0K
            Action_WAITFORTIMER      1          0K          0K
                      Primitive      1          0K          0K
              GlobalTempObjects      1          0K          0K
                     ObjectPool      1          0K          0K

39075 Objects (22.852M / 22.869M)

Current UdpGameSpyQuery objects:

                                                      Object   NumBytes   MaxBytes
                 UdpGamespyQuery DM-IceHenge.UdpGamespyQuery       1114       1114

                          Class  Count   NumBytes    MaxBytes
                UdpGamespyQuery      1          1K          1K

1 Objects (0.001M / 0.001M)
Tracing UdpGamespyQuery objects
 Referencers of 'DM-IceHenge.UdpGamespyQuery'

Referencers of UdpGamespyQuery DM-IceHenge.UdpGamespyQuery:
   Level DM-IceHenge.myLevel (1)

Shortest reachability from root to UdpGamespyQuery DM-IceHenge.UdpGamespyQuery:
   GameEngine Package.GameEngine (root)
   Level DM-IceHenge.myLevel
   UdpGamespyQuery DM-IceHenge.UdpGamespyQuery


Performing garbage collection
Collecting garbage
Purging garbage
Garbage: objects: 39075->38444; refs: 450012
Remaining UdpGameSpyQuery objects:

                                                      Object   NumBytes   MaxBytes
                 UdpGamespyQuery DM-IceHenge.UdpGamespyQuery       1114       1114

                          Class  Count   NumBytes    MaxBytes
                UdpGamespyQuery      1          1K          1K

1 Objects (0.001M / 0.001M)
UdpGamespyQuery DM-IceHenge.UdpGamespyQuery (Function IpDrv.UdpGamespyQuery.PreBeginPlay:0167) Assertion failed, line 58
Executing UObject::StaticShutdownAfterError
(UdpGamespyQuery DM-IceHenge.UdpGamespyQuery, Function IpDrv.UdpGamespyQuery.PreBeginPlay)
(MasterServerUplink DM-IceHenge.MasterServerUplink, Function IpDrv.MasterServerUplink.BeginPlay)
UdpGamespyQuery DM-IceHenge.UdpGamespyQuery (Function IpDrv.UdpGamespyQuery.PreBeginPlay:0167) Assertion failed, line 58

History: FFrame::Serialize

Reply Link: <http://diana.ms.mff.cuni.cz/main/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=3&comments_parentId=504#form>

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