[Pogamut-list] Graceful stopping
pogamut-forum at diana.ms.mff.cuni.cz
Sat Dec 18 14:54:53 CET 2010
Re: Graceful stopping
Author: jacob.schrum
I think my problem was that I was using kill() instead of stop() and that I was using the IUT2004Server kill methods when bots were still running. Using stop instead does seem to result in fewer exceptions being propagated. I think that most of the time I see these exceptions they are harmless, since they happen when I'm intending the kill the bot anyway. I was just hoping I could avoid these exceptions to help with troubleshooting. You see, when you leave bots to evolve for a few hours and then come back to find that something has gone wrong, it can be hard to track down the real bug amidst lots of unimportant exceptions. Furthermore, it is also hard to know if the exception was caused by the bot stopping, or if the bot actually had an error which caused it to stop.
I still don't fully understand what was causing the PogamutExceptions I was getting, but I seem to have fixed my problem for the moment. If it acts up again, I'll be more specific in my followup.
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