[Pogamut-list] sqlitebot squads
pogamut-forum at artemis.ms.mff.cuni.cz
Sun Nov 1 00:53:33 CET 2009
sqlitebot squads
Author: jcothran
Hi all,
I've made a fair number of updates to my sqlitebot website and
materials recently if anyone is interested. The bots now have a more
fleshed out database schema
http://code.google.com/p/sqlitebot/wiki/SqlitebotSchema which allows
myself or an AI-automated program to assign bots to squads and carry
out some basic commands like hunt or follow a target with bots on the same squad sharing/utilizing table information like enemies last seen location.
Also have posted some beginning analysis graphs of map
influence/hotspots at
The general flow of development is described at
The earlier/included Pogamut class code in the jar at the site was tweaked enough so that the earlier AStar method is being used reliably now by the bots. It doesn't continuously repath as the Gamebot request did, only asks for a repath if stuck or pulled off the path by an enemy engagement,etc.
The map generation http://code.google.com/p/sqlitebot/wiki/MapGenerator, gameplay/event logging and analysis approaches may be of interest/reuse outside of the sqlitebot specific code itself.
Also dynamic squad-level AI (squad composition and command) could reuse this infrastructure without having to script the individual unit AI. AI at the squad level might just utilize game support table reads and apply squad level table commands towards accomplishing the game goals.
Unfortunately, with each bot thread consuming 5-10% of my desktop CPU running at highest(realtime) priority - 6 to 10 units/bots at once would be the max recommended in realtime. Slowing the gamespeed down dramatically, folks might be able to run simulations with larger numbers of bots.
Questions/feedback welcome,
Ralph and LLoyd follow target Barry
{img src=http://sqlitebot.googlecode.com/files/follow.jpg width= height= align= desc= link= }
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