[Pogamut-list] Raytracing from a real user

michal.bida pogamut-forum at artemis.ms.mff.cuni.cz
Wed Nov 18 10:11:03 CET 2009

Re: Re: Raytracing from a real user

Author: michal.bida


It is true that it is not possible to do auto tracing from different than bot location. However there are two GameBots commands that allow to cast a ray from anywhere to anywhere - it is TRACE command and FTRACE command. Each command cast one ray and then sends response to the client. FTR message for FTRACE (fast trace) and TRC message for TRACE. These rays will not be visualized in Unreal.

>From Pogamut2 these commands can be accesed by methods body.trace() and body.fasttrace(). The responses may be caught either by registering listener to MessageType.TRACE or MessageType.FAST_TRACE or by calling method memory.getTraceResult(int id) - using this method you need to support unique id in the trace/ftrace commands.

Hope this helps.


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