[Pogamut-list] sqlitebot
pogamut-forum at artemis.ms.mff.cuni.cz
Sat May 30 18:00:29 CEST 2009
Re: Re: sqlitebot
Author: jcothran
Hi Jakub,
I haven't considered XML serialization yet but thanks for the idea and link - RDB/SQL is what I'm most proficient with in my usual work so its easier for me to think in terms of tables and SQL queries than objects and XML. I'm aware of object-oriented databases like used in python zope/plone, and conceptually understand a table as an object or XML element with an array list of sub-objects or attributes, but its easiest for me to setup and utilize RDB/SQL for my beginning purposes.
As a simple thought experiment, when I play Unreal Tournament I'm map-aware of killing areas and safer areas and time frequency of area firefights and player tendency towards certain areas and routes. I try to factor in a certain amount of unpredictability in map area focus and route choice to keep from being predictable by opponents and gain surprize advantage. So those type of criteria are what I'd be logging to output tables as a kind of dynamic map/player-learned memory to help weight the usual decision tree algorithm or genetic algorithm fitness function.
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