[Pogamut-list] sqlitebot
pogamut-forum at artemis.ms.mff.cuni.cz
Sat May 30 04:09:20 CEST 2009
Author: jcothran
Hi all,
First off thanks for doing the Pogamut website and keeping alive the interest in developing better bot AI's using UT2004. Some really interesting work going on in the various bots and projects here.
Java isn't my main programming language (I do mostly perl) but am trying to learn more Java and NetBeans GUI to take advantage of the toolset you have setup with Pogamut. I also work with relational databases and am interested in using a sqlite http://sqlite.org database as a kind of bot memory to keep track of locational/situational bot experience as that might help further develop interesting bot behaviors. The projects that I've seen so far have been behavioral decision trees and I was wondering if anyone else had thought of using a simple file-based RDB to help model map-oriented memory.
I've setup a open source google code project at http://code.google.com/p/sqlitebot/wiki/sqlitebotHome if anyone is interested in pursuing that kind of database supported bot model programming. Initially I'm looking for help with basic Java programming issues (like how do I break my simple initial database write function out to a separate java file http://code.google.com/p/sqlitebot/source/browse/trunk/bot1/Main.java ) and then more project specific help with ideas that relate to leveraging knowledge about existing unrealscript bot functions.
Glad to discuss ideas with other developers via IRC (#sqlitebot ?) or email (jeremy.cothran at gmail.com)
Anyway, thanks again for the site and documentation.
Jeremy Cothran
Software Developer
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