[Pogamut-list] Class Triple - UNITS ???

Vince15 pogamut-forum at artemis.ms.mff.cuni.cz
Sat Mar 21 17:15:34 CET 2009

Re: Class Triple - UNITS ???

Author: Vince15

I'm using the PRJ messages to evaluate the incoming rockets information. Can you explain a little bit better this sentence?

rotation value that the projectile is coming from. Best chance to dodge is to probably head off at a
rotation normal to this one (add ~ 16000 to the yaw value)^

You speak like the direction comes in angles between 0 and 65535, but in my application a see values like:

Direction.x =  0.69
Direction.y =  0.72
Direction.z = -0.06

Are they radiants or what? Maybe between -Pi and PI?
And... are they again pitch, yaw and roll, right?


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