[Pogamut-list] Give Health Pack to the bot

Vince15 pogamut-forum at artemis.ms.mff.cuni.cz
Thu Jun 25 09:09:06 CEST 2009

Re: Re: Give Health Pack to the bot

Author: Vince15

> The right string is "xPickups.HealthPack" .
> Other interesting items for you: 
> "xPickups.MiniHealthPack"
> "xPickups.ShieldPack"
> "xPickups.SuperHealthPack"
> "xPickups.SuperShieldPack"
> best,
> michal

I knew I could count on you! It works fine. 

For the records, where can I find a complete list? I watched in the utEditor class browser but I didn't find those...


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