[Pogamut-list] Receive Kill Message

jakub.gemrot pogamut-forum at artemis.ms.mff.cuni.cz
Mon Dec 14 07:33:27 CET 2009

Re: Receive Kill Message 

Author: jakub.gemrot

Hi gotzl!

Where have you written this code?
I hope you did not written this method directly to the your bot? I mean to the subclass of Agent class?
It's stupid design-choice made by us that Agent is directly receiving messages - you can't override this method
like this because you will forbid OUR receiveMessage() to receive messages (at least you should call super.receiveMessage(e);).

But the preferred way to deal with messages is create anonymous classes (listeners) like this:

RcvMsgListener playerKilledListener = new RcvMsgListener() {
 public void receiveMessage(RcvMsgEvent e)
   PlayerKilled? pk = (PlayerKilled)e.getMessage();


and inside prePrepareAgent method register the listener like this:

body.addRcvMsgListener(playerKilledListener, EnumSet.of(MessageType.PLAYER_KILLER));


Back to your question - you're getting this many messages because Agent class is registering general
listener at the body ... this.body.addRcvMsgListener(this); ... therefore every message goes 
through your overriden method.

Hopefully I guessed correctly ;) or did I not?



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