[Pogamut-list] Add original epic bot

Vince15 pogamut-forum at artemis.ms.mff.cuni.cz
Fri Apr 17 09:10:37 CEST 2009

Re: Re: Add original epic bot

Author: Vince15

Ok, Thanks. I did the exact same thing, but I was using getConnectedBots... and epic bots weren't in the list. Cool, now it works.
Btw, I'm using the utServer.kickBot(bot.getUnrealID()); instead of sending a message manually.


> What I did to disconnect the all the UTbots was:
> ^        try {
>             Collection playerList = getServer().getAllBots();
>             for (Player p : playerList) {
>                 if(p.getUnrealID().contains("GBxBot")) {
>                     //getLogger().info("KICK {Id " + p.getUnrealID() + "}");
>                     getServer().getConnection().sendCommandToGB("KICK {Id " + p.getUnrealID() + "}");
>                 }
>             }
>         } catch (PogamutException e) {
>             e.printStackTrace();
>         }^
> Not the nicest way to do it, but because you don't get any ID or something back when you spawn an UTBot you have to get the ID from somewhere. This method works if you want to remove all the UTBots, I don't know how to kick a specific bot from the game.
> Niels

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