[Pogamut-list] BotPrize!

Jakub Gemrot jakub.gemrot at gmail.com
Wed Sep 10 08:32:51 CEST 2008


this day I've got really exciting news to announce!

Lately we've been talking (via emails) with Associate Professor Philip
Hingston from Edith Cowan University, Perth, Australia who has just
announced the bot competition at BotPrize.org and that competition is
using our GameBots2004!

So what is the aim of the competition? Nothing less then to write a
human-like bot that passes a Turing test. Basically a human will play
against your bot and will judge whether he or she can tell it's
artificial or not. For details you should see BotPrize.org.

We from the Pogamut team are very happy about this event and is going
to support the competition - we've already released an extra version
of the Pogamut 2 platform and are ready to answer any questions the
contestants might have! And believe me there is a lot to ask when
dealing with GameBots2004 protocol ;-) So feel free to register at our
webpage and post to the forums!

Oh, did I forget mentioning the prize? Top Game Development Studio 2K
Australia is providing a $7,000 cash plus a trip to their studio in
Canberra for the best bot that passes the Turing test!



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