[Pogamut-list] Get Damage Amplifier

jakub.gemrot pogamut-forum at artemis.ms.mff.cuni.cz
Thu Oct 9 16:55:35 CEST 2008

Re: Get Damage Amplifier
> What item class is the damage amplifier? How can I make it so the bot will always try to get the damage amplifier whenever it sees one?

And thus ... 

cathegories.put("UDamagePack", new ItemCathegory(MessageType.SPECIAL, ItemType.U_DAMAGE_PACK));

The UDamagePack is translated into "Special" message having public field typeOfSpecial == ItemType.U_DAMAGE_PACK    

So I believe the answer to your question would be to hook a listener for "Special" message to a body and handle it for yourself.

See body.addTypedRcvMsgListener()

Cheers! Jakub


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