[Pogamut-list] mapping bot

jakub.gemrot pogamut-forum at artemis.ms.mff.cuni.cz
Wed Oct 1 07:34:35 CEST 2008

Re: mapping bot
Hi cazub!

Try it - if it fails then there is some problem with the PogamutCore
version or it's compilation
(but this should be for the version 1.1)

       private NavPoint runTo = null;

       protected void doLogic() {

               log.warning("LOGIC ITERATION");

               if (runTo == null) {
                       runTo = memory.getKnownNavPoints().get(random.nextInt(memory.getKnownNavPoints().size()));
                       log.info("Selected navpoint: " + runTo.UnrealID);

               log.info("Searching path to: " + runTo.UnrealID);
               switch (gameMap.pathManager.retrievePathGB(runTo.location)) {
               case NO_PATH:
                       log.severe("Can't find path to navpoint: " + runTo.UnrealID);
                       runTo = null;
               case OBTAINING_PATH:
                       log.severe("Waiting for the path.");
               case PATH_FOUND:
                       log.info("Path found to: " + runTo.UnrealID);
                       switch(gameMap.pathManager.runAlongPath()) {
                       case PATH_BROKEN:
                               log.severe("PATH BROKEN");
                               runTo = null;
                       case PATH_ENDED:
                               log.info("PATH ENDED");
                               runTo = null;
                       case RUNNING_ALONG:
                               log.info("Continuing the movement to: " + runTo.UnrealID);

This code should show you how exactly you have to work with retrievePathGB() it is the simplest bot that runs around random navigation points + using retrievePathGB().



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