[Pogamut-list] How do I miss?

schrum2 pogamut-forum at artemis.ms.mff.cuni.cz
Wed Nov 19 18:52:41 CET 2008

How do I miss?

Author: schrum2

As anyone who has played against these bots knows, they are ridiculously accurate, especially with weapons like the shock rifle and the lightning gun. Therefore, I'm attempting to make them a little less accurate, but this doesn't seem possible. At first I tried slightly perturbing the location given to the shoot() method, but when that didn't make the aiming any worse I actually tried the following:

bot.getBody().shoot(new Triple(0,0,0));

I also confirmed that this transmitted the following Gamebots command:

SHOOT {Location 0.0,0.0,0.0}

A bot receiving this command shoot stupidly shoot the same place over and over, however, this bot ends up hitting me every time! The aim correction in Gamebots seems to be subverting my desire to shoot where I want.

Can this problem be fixed? Is it a problem in Gamebots, or is there something that can be done in my code to fix it?

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