[Pogamut-list] how start BombingRun server?

michal.bida pogamut-forum at artemis.ms.mff.cuni.cz
Wed Nov 19 14:30:41 CET 2008

Re: how start BombingRun server?

Author: michal.bida

What version of GameBots are you using? I think that BombingRun is not supported in trunk version of GameBots or in other words not by the GameBots you install with Pogamut installer. 

On our svn in devel branch there are new GameBots that supports bombing run game - a little bit. But not fully and the GB there are incompatible with our client (1.21). 

If you are interested in BombingRun very much and you need it desperately, it is possible to add some basic support to GB, but so far we weren't planning to support BombingRun, cause we think that it is not that interesting for people as TeamDeathMatch or CTF...

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