[Pogamut-list] Flag Location

gal pogamut-forum at artemis.ms.mff.cuni.cz
Mon May 19 14:48:24 CEST 2008

Flag Location
I am quite a producer of questions, sorry about that :), but here is another one. I tried to use a new method getMyFlag() and getEnemyFlag() but they dont seem to work. The FlagInfo they should return is always null - in postPrepare and even in doLogic. This might be because of the map I am working with. If so, what maps should it work with? 
There is other sollution for me to get the location of ally and enemy flagspot. Its through the getAllNavPoints, but in that case I need the UnrealID of myFlag and enemyFlag, if you could tell me.

Thx, Vojtěch Osvald


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