[Pogamut-list] Player Vs Player

rudolf.kadlec pogamut-forum at artemis.ms.mff.cuni.cz
Sat May 17 20:50:19 CEST 2008

Re: Re: Player Vs Player
>Is there a way to make the 3 ray sensors invisible when you want to so is there like a key button that shows the rays and also makes them invisible?

In NB plugin double click on the server your bot is running on. In "Bot options" panel select your bot and then uncheck the "Draw trace lines" checkbox.

>I also wanted to know if you could make the bot as a final build so you can just copy it to the unreal directory so when you start unreal and play a normal deathmatch that bot which you created joins the game so unreal runs the bot instead of loading netbeans and running it from there?

There is a way to launch a bot without executing NB but you can't start the bot directly from UT. Bots created in Pogamut aren't compiled into UnrealScript, they are Java programs. 
I think that we haven't any generic command line bot launcher in current release of Pogamut (it is good idea to add one for the next release :-) So you will have to implement bot's public static void main(String[] args) method and there use the cz.cuni.pogamut.Client.AgentLauncher.
Good luck


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