[Pogamut-list] Server classes

carlos.junior pogamut-forum at artemis.ms.mff.cuni.cz
Tue May 13 19:32:30 CEST 2008

Server classes

I'm working with Pogamut and I'm building
a system that receive the player input and
catch that information, store and re-send
to the bot. For doing that I think create
a reference to a server and connect a bot
in it. Then I catch the mouse and keyboard
events and send it to the bot.

But I'm having problem to understand the 
Pogamut hierarchy classes to create a 
connection with the UT2004.

I think I need a reference to a UTServer object
and another to the bot and use the 
UTServer.connectBot(Agent) method, but when
I use this my program throws an exception.

If someone knows how I can do it I be grateful.
Since now I thank the attention.


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