[Pogamut-list] Player Vs Player

jakub.gemrot pogamut-forum at artemis.ms.mff.cuni.cz
Sun May 11 21:20:18 CEST 2008

Re: Player Vs Player
Well I can't pinpoint any part of your code as I don't have it - but you should be able to do it! Just look for those methods
body.runToNavPoint or body.runToTarget or gameMap.safeRunToLocation ... those methods are telling the hunter to run somewhere - experiment with them.

Jakub Gemrot

> I was thinking if it was possible of creating a bot which can copy the player's actions and then the player can go against the bot. So it would be like the player playing against himself. So the bot would attack when you would attack and it would find the right time to attack you to get damage. The bot would use the same tactics as you. It would copy your style of play.  
> Is this possible?
> Thanks


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