[Pogamut-list] accessing map

michal.bida pogamut-forum at artemis.ms.mff.cuni.cz
Sat May 3 12:11:16 CEST 2008

Re: accessing map
Well it shouldn't be too hard to add BombingRun game for GB... What we need is one sync. message representing the BOMB and some additional information in NFO message - like where is my and enemy bomb goals. 

Shooting issue is also not a problem to fix as Fabien said... But it is NOT a bug. We had a problem, that it was possible to get the weapon into shooting state even if it wasn't firing (had ammo 0). So the bot though he is firing, but he wasn't. So the solution is to add a check if we are carrying the bomb launcher...

Recently I was working on GB HUD (you can check it, has some new features, I'll welcome any suggestions), but I'll look at this in the next GB release - problem is now that new GB release doesn't support old plugin version. We are working on it and we hope it will be fixed soon.


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