[Pogamut-list] Number of Bots Allowed

michal.bida pogamut-forum at artemis.ms.mff.cuni.cz
Tue Dec 23 00:00:29 CET 2008

Re: Number of Bots Allowed

Author: michal.bida

Oh right... This. Well for RemoteBots the limitation is set to 32 bots. Number 10 will be probably for control server - that limits maximum number of control connections to the GB (for control server that controls the game mechanics). 
You can change the limitation for both bot and control server in BotAPI.ini. For control connections in ~np~[BotAPI.ControlServer] in MaxConnections. For remote bot connections (that means maximum number of GB bots connected) in [BotAPI.BotServer] ~/np~MaxConnections (default should be 32).


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