[Pogamut-list] New Pogamut Subproject
pogamut-forum at artemis.ms.mff.cuni.cz
Tue Apr 15 13:13:46 CEST 2008
Re: Re: Re: New Pogamut Subproject
That's no problem - I will do it tonight (GMT+1 ;-)
I will name your branch 'fabien_tence'
To use SVN under linux is not hard at all when you install SVN package
(if I remember it correctly) try
svn help
- basic info about SVN and available commands
svn help co
- help for checking out from repository
- to check out from svn it should be something like "svn co svn://fabien@artemis.ms.mff.cuni.cz/pogamut/branch/fabien_tence"
svn help update
- info about updating checked out repository
svn help commit
- how to commit changes
Those are commands (co, update, commit) you will frequently use. Working with svn goes like this:
1) check out from repository (will create your local copy at your disk)
... working over your local copies (no locking needed)
2) commiting your changes.
... that might result in merging files if your changes conflicts with somebody else, but as you will work over your branch it won't
3) if somebody else changed something then you will need to 'update' your local copy
Anyway it would be cool to have a tutorial for this - so if you have time ;-))) ...
Good luck!
Jakub Gemrot
> You should do it, I'm new to SVN (although I used CVS which is barely the same) and I don't know how I will manage SVN since I'm using Linux and there is no tools as good as TortoiseSVN (from what I read). So I'll go command-line which could make me do some mistakes ^^.
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