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  • 2019
    • Javora, O., Hannemann, T., Starkova, T., Volna, K., & Brom, C. (2019) Children like it more but don't learn more: Effects of aesthetic visual design in educational games. British Journal of Educational Technology. In Press. DOI: 10.1111/bjet.12701 [FINAL VERSION]
    • Brom, C., Dobrovolny, V., Dechterenko, F., Starkova, T., Bromova, E. (2019) It's Better to Enjoy Learning than Playing: Motivational Effects of an Educational Live Action Role-playing Game. Frontline Learning Research, 7(3), 64 - 90 [PDF]
  • 2018
    • Brom, C., Stárková, T., Bromová, E., Děchtěrenko, F. (2018). Gamifying a Simulation: Do a Game Goal, Choice, Points, and Praise Enhance Learning? Journal of Educational Computing Research. In Press. DOI: 10.1177/0735633118797330 [FINAL VERSION] [PDF]
    • Brom, C., Stárková, T., & D'Mello, S. K. (2018). How effective is emotional design? A meta-analysis on facial anthropomorphisms and pleasant colors during multimedia learning. Educational Research Review. In Press. DOI: 10.1016/j.edurev.2018.09.004 [PDF] [FINAL VERSION] [PDF]
    • Nepozitek, O., & Gemrot, J. (2018). Fast configurable tile-based dungeon level generator. Paper presented at the 19th International Conference on Intelligent Games and Simulation, GAME-ON 2018, 61-65. [PDF]
    • Smejkal, P., & Gemrot, J. (2018, September). Engaging Turn-Based Combat in the Children of the Galaxy Videogame. In Fourteenth Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Digital Entertainment Conference. [PDF]
    • Kolek, L., Sisler, V., & Brom, C. (2018). Video Games and Attitude Change - Can We Reliably Measure This? The Challenges of Empirical Study Design. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 11385, International Conference on Games and Learning Alliance (pp. 445-448). Springer. [FINAL VERSION]
    • Brom, C., Dechterenko, F., Sisler, V., Hlavka, Z., & Lukavsky, J. (2018). Does Motivation Enhance Knowledge Acquisition in Digital Game-Based and Multimedia Learning? A Review of Studies from One Lab. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 11243, Joint International Conference on Serious Games (pp. 120-132). Springer. [FINAL VERSION] [PDF]
  • 2017
    • Cerny, M., Plch, T., Marko, M., Gemrot, J., Ondracek, P., & Brom, C. (2017). Using Behavior Objects to Manage Complexity in Virtual Worlds. IEEE Transactions on Computational Intelligence and AI in Games 6(2), 166-180. doi: 10.1109/TCIAIG.2016.2528499 [arXiv preprint] [IEEE Xplore]
    • Brom, C., Hannemann, T., Starkova, T., Bromova, E., Dechterenko, F. (2017) The role of cultural background in the personalization principle: Five experiments with Czech learners. Computers & Education, 112, 37-68. [FINAL VERSION] [PDF]
    • Brom, C., Dechterenko, F., Frollova, N., Starkova, T., Bromova, E., & D'Mello, S. K. (2017). Enjoyment or involvement? Affective-motivational mediation during learning from a complex computerized simulation. Computers & Education, 114, pp. 236-254 [FINAL VERSION] [PDF]
  • 2016
    • Korstanje, R., Brom, C., Gemrot, J., Hindriks, V.: A Comparative Study of Programming Agents in POSH and GOAL. In: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence, pages 192-203. [PDF] First presented at The Second AAMAS Workshop on Cognitive Agents and Virtual Environments (CAVE 2013), pp. 94--112 [PDF]
    • Cerny, M., Plch, T, Brom, C.: Beyond Smart Objects: Behavior-Oriented Programming for NPCs in Large Open Worlds. In Lengyel, Eric (eds.) Game Engine Gems 3. USA: CRC Press, 2016. pp. 267-280. ISBN 978-1-4987-5565-8. [BOOK]
    • Brom, C., Hannemann, T., Starkova, T., Bromova, E., & Dechterenko, F. (2016) Anthropomorphic Faces and Funny Graphics in an Instructional Animation May Improve Superficial Rather than Deep Learning: a Quasi-Experimental Study. In Proceedings of European Conference on e-Learning (pp. 89--97) [PDF]
    • Brom, C., Sisler, V., Slussareff, M., Selmbacherova, T., Hlavka, Z. (2016). You like it, you learn it: affectivity and learning in competitive social role play gaming. International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning. Volume 11, Issue 3, pp 313-348 doi:10.1007/s11412-016-9237-3 [FINAL VERSION] [PDF]
    • Brom, C., Starkova, T., Lukavsky, J., Javora, O., Bromova, E. (2016) Eye Tracking in Emotional Design Research: What Are Its Limitations? In Proceedings of NordiCHI 2016 [PDF]
    • Hrebickova, M., Jelinek,M., Blatny, M., Brom, C., Buresova, I., Graf, S., Mejzlikova, T., Vazsonyi, A.T., Zabrodska, K. (2016): Big Five Inventory: Zakladni psychometricke charakteristiky ceske verze BFI-44 a BFI-10. Ceskoslovenska psychologie, 60, 6, 567-583.
  • 2015
    • Brom, C., Levcik, D., Buchtova, M., Klement, D. (2015) Playing Educational Micro-games at High Schools: Individually or Collectively? Computers in Human Behavior, Vol. 48, July (2015), pp. 682-694, DOI information: 10.1016/j.chb.2015.02.025 [FINAL VERSION] [PDF]
    • Cerny, M., Moens, M.-F.: aMUSE: Translating Text to Point and Click Games. In: Proceedings of the 41st Convention of the AISB, pp. 42-43 (2015) [PDF]
    • Bida, M., Cerny, M., Brom, C.: Follow-up on Automatic Story Clustering for Interactive Narrative Authoring. In: Proceedings of the 51st Convention of the AISB, pp. 37-41 (2015) [PDF]
    • Holan, D., Gemrot, J., Cerny, M., Brom, C.: EmohawkVille: Virtual City for Everyone. In: Proceedings of the 51st Convention of the AISB, pp. 23-24 (2015) [PDF]
    • Tomková, M., Tomek, J., Novák, O., Zelenka, O., Syka, J., & Brom, C. (2015). Formation and disruption of tonotopy in a large-scale model of the auditory cortex. Journal of computational neuroscience, 39(2), 131-153. [PDF]
    • Brom, C., Dechterenko, F. (2015). Mathematical Self-Efficacy as a Determinant of Successful Learning of Mental Models From Computerized Materials. Proceedings of European Conference on Game-Based Learning, pp. 89--97 [PDF]
    • Brom, C., Dobrovolny, V., Bromova E. (2015) Towards in Situ Measurement of Affective Variables During Playing Educational LARPs: A Pilot Study, Proceedings of European Conference on Game-Based Learning, pp. 767--769 [PDF]
    • Kadlec, R.: DyBaNeM: Bayesian Model of Episodic Memory, PhD dissertation, Charles University in Prague, 2015. [Software] [PDF]
    • Hromada, T., Cerny, M., Bida, M., Brom, C.: Generating Side Quests from Building Blocks In: ICIDS 2015. LNCS, vol. 9445, pp 235 - 242, Springer (2015) [SPRINGER] [PDF]
    • Martin Cerny, Roman Bartak, Cyril Brom, Jakub Gemrot: To Plan or to Simply React? An Experimental Study of Action Planning in a Game Environment. Computational Intelligence 32(4): 668-710 (2016) DOI: 10.1111/coin.12079 [Wiley] [Uncorrected PDF]
    • Cook, M., Eiserloh, S., Robertson, S., Young, M., Thompson, T., Churchill, D., Cerny, M., Hernandez, S. P., Bulitko, V.:Playable Experiences at AIIDE 2015. In: Proceedings of Eleventh Annual AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Digital Entertainment (AIIDE 2015), pp. 227 - 231, (2015) [PDF]
    • Cerny, M.: Sarah and Sally: Creating a Likeable and Competent AI Sidekick for a Videogame In: Experimental AI in Games: Papers from the AIIDE 2015 Workshop (EXAG 2015), pp 2 - 8, (2015) [PDF]
  • 2014
    • Brom, C., Bromova, E., Dechterenko, F., Buchtova, M., Pergel, M.: Personalized Messages in a Brewery Educational Simulation: Is the Personalization Principle Less Robust than Previously Thought? In: Computers and Education 72 pp. 339-366 [PDF]
    • Černý, M., Plch, T., Marko, M., Ondracek, P., Brom, C.: Smart Areas: A Modular Approach to Simulation of Daily Life in an Open World Video Game. In: Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2014). 2014, pp. 703-708 [PDF]
    • Gemrot, J., Cerny, M., Brom, C.: Why you should empirically evaluate your AI tool: From SPOSH to yaPOSH. In: Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2014). 2014, pp. 461-468 [PDF]
    • Rychtar, J., Frynta, D., Tomek, J., Varadinova, Z., Brom, C. Waste Recycling Can Promote Group Living: A cockroach case study. Letters in Biomathematics 1(1) 2014, pp. 17 - 22. [PDF]
    • Plch, T., Marko, M., Ondracek, P., Cerny, M., Gemrot, J., Brom, C.: Modular Behavior Trees: Lanuage for Fast AI in Open-World Video Games In: Proceedings of 21st European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2014), pp. 1209-1211. [PDF]
    • Plch, T., Marko, M., Ondracek, P., Cerny, M., Gemrot, J., Brom, C.: An AI System for Large Open Virtual World In: Proceedings of Tenth Annual AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Digital Entertainment (AIIDE 2014), pp. 44-51. [PDF]
    • Cerny, M., Brom, C., Bartak, R., Antos, M.: Spice it up! Enriching OpenWorld NPC Simulation Using Constraint Satisfaction In: Proceedings of Tenth Annual AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Digital Entertainment (AIIDE 2014), pp. 16 - 22. Best paper award [PDF]
    • Fajnerová, I., Rodriguez, M., Levčík, D., Konrádová, L., Mikoláš, P., Brom, C., Stuchlík, A., Vlček, K., & Horáček, J. A virtual reality task based on animal research–spatial learning and memory in patients after the first episode of schizophrenia. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, Vol. 8, Article 157 (2014) [PDF]
    • Brom, C., Buchtová, M., Šisler, V., Děchtěrenko, F., Palme, R., & Glenk, L. M. (2014). Flow, social interaction anxiety and salivary cortisol responses in serious games: A quasi-experimental study. Computers & Education, Vol. 79, 69 -- 100. [FINAL VERSION] preprint: [PDF]
    • Brom, C., Děchtěrenko, F., Buchtová, M., Šisler, V., Palme, R., Glenk, L.M. (2014) Cortisol Levels and Experiencing of Flow: Are They Related? A Study with Seven Different Interventions. FENS Forum Abstr. 2014, 0250 [ABSTRACT] [PDF]
    • Gemrot, J., Černý, M., Brom, C.: Teaching Intelligent Virtual Agents Programming through Simulated Children's Games. In: Proceedings of GameOn 2014, pages 43-49, Lincoln, UK. [PDF]
    • Selmbacherova T., Sisler V., Brom C.: The Impact of Visual Realism on the Authenticity of Educational Simulation: A Comparative Study. In: Proceedings of The 8th European Conference on Games Based Learning ECGBL 2014. Academic Conferences and Publishing International Limited. pp. 520 -- 528. [PDF]
    • Gemrot, J., Černý, M., Brom, C.: Teaching How to Engineer Behaviors for Videogame Characters. In: SplashE, Portland, USA, 2014. Oral presentation. [PDF]
    • Sisler, V., Selmbacherova, T., Pinkas, J., & Brom, C. (2014). Teaching contemporary history to high school students: The augmented learning environment of Czechoslovakia 38-89. Masaryk University Journal of Law and Technology, 8(1), 99. [PDF]
  • 2013
    • Plch, T., Jedlicka, T., Brom, C.: HLA Proxy: Towards Connecting Agents To Virtual Environments by Means of High Level Architecture (HLA). In: Proc. of Cognitive Agents for Virtual Environments, LNCS 7764, Springer, Heidelberg, pp. 1--16, (2013). [PDF]
    • Gemrot, J., Hlavka, Z., Brom, C.: Does high-level behavior specification tool make production of virtual agent behaviors better? In: Proc. of Cognitive Agents for Virtual Environments, LNCS 7764, Springer, Heidelberg, pp. 167--183, (2013). [PDF]
    • Kadlec, R., Cermak, M., Behan, Z., Brom, C.: Generating Corpora of activities of Daily Living and Towards Measuring the Corpora's Complexity. In: Proc. of Cognitive Agents for Virtual Environments, LNCS 7764, Springer, Heidelberg, pp. 149--166, (2013). [PDF]
    • Bartak, R., Brom, C., Cerny, M., Gemrot, J.: Planning and Reactive Agents in Dynamic Game Environments: An Experimental Study. In Joaquim Filipe, Ana Fred (eds.): Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2013), Volume 1, pp. 234-240, SciTePress, (ISBN: 978-989-8565-38-9), (2013) [PDF]
    • Kadlec, R., Brom, C.: DyBaNeM: Bayesian Framework for Episodic Memory Modelling. In: R. West & T. Stewart (eds.), Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Cognitive Modeling, (2013). [PDF]
    • Gemrot, J., Havlíček, J., Bída, M., Kadlec, R., and Brom, C.: yaPOSH Action Selection. In: Intelligent Virtual Agents. LNCS 8108, Springer, 2013, pp. 458 - 459. [PDF]
    • Kadlec, R., Brom, C.: DyBaNeM: Bayesian Episodic Memory Framework for Intelligent Virtual Agents. In: Proc. of IVA 2013, LNCS 8108, Springer, Heidelberg, pp. 15--28, (2013). [SPRINGER] [PDF]
    • Bída, M., Černý, M., Brom, C.: SimDate3D - Level Two. In: Koenitz, H., Sezen, T.I., Ferri, G., Haahr, M., Sezen, D., Çatak, G. (eds.) Interactive Storytelling. LNCS, vol. 8230, Springer International Publishing, pp. 128--131. (2013) [PDF]
    • Bída, M., Černý, M., Brom, C.: Towards Automatic Story Clustering for Interactive Narrative Authoring. In: Koenitz, H., Sezen, T.I., Ferri, G., Haahr, M., Sezen, D., Çatak, G. (eds.) Interactive Storytelling. LNCS, vol. 8230, Springer International Publishing, pp. 95--106. (2013) [PDF]
    • Holaň, D., Gemrot, J., Černý, M.: EmohawkVille: Towards Complex Dynamic Virtual Worlds. In: Proceedings of GAMEON'2013, 2013, pp. 52--58. [PDF]
    • Černý, M., Gemrot, J.: HTN or State Space - Who Should Do Planning in Your Game? In: Proceedings of GAMEON'2013. 2013, pp 59--65. Best paper award [PDF]
    • Muñoz-Avila, H., Bauckhage, C., Bida, M., Congdon, C.B., and Kendall, G.: Learning and Game AI. In: (Lucas, S.M., Mateas, M., Preuss, M., Spronck, P., Togelius, J. eds.) Artificial and Computational Intelligence in Games. Dagstuhl Follow-Ups, vol. 6, 2013, pp. 33--43. ISBN 978-3-939897-62-0. [paper online][book online]
    • Cowling, P.I., Buro, M., Bida, M., Botea, A., Bouzy, B., Butz, M.V., Hingston, P., Muñoz-Avila, H., Nau, D., Sipper, M.: Search in Real-Time Video Games. In: (Lucas, S.M., Mateas, M., Preuss, M., Spronck, P., Togelius, J. eds.) Artificial and Computational Intelligence in Games. Dagstuhl Follow-Ups, vol. 6, 2013, pp. 1--19. ISBN 978-3-939897-62-0. [paper online][book online]
    • Buchtova, M., Sisler, V., Brom, C. (2013). Educational Games and Simulations at School: Experimental Comparison with Classic Teaching Methods and Requirements of Successful Implementation into School Environment and Curricula. Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Interaction Design in Educational Environments (pp. 125-132) SciTePress [PDF]
  • 2012
    • Brom C., Vyhnanek J., Lukavsky J., Waller D., Kadlec R.: A computational model of the allocentric and egocentric spatial memory by means of virtual agents, or how simple virtual agents can help to build complex computational models. In: Cognitive Systems Research, Vol. 17-18 (2012), pp. 1-24, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cogsys.2011.09.001. [FINAL VERSION], preprint: [PDF]
    • Brom, C., Sisler, .V.: Designing Educational Computer Games. In: Encyclopedia of the Sciences of Learning, Springer (2012) 931-934
    • Popelova, M., Brom, C., Tomek, J., Bida, M.: Toolkit for Teaching Steering Behaviors for 3D Human-like Virtual Agents (Demonstration). In Proc. of AAMAS, Valencia, Spain, pp. 1477--1478, (2012). [PDF]
    • Gemrot, J., Bida, M., Brom, C.: Pogamut Toolkit (Demonstration). In Proc. of AAMAS, Valencia, Spain, pp. 1469--1470, (2012). [PDF]
    • Plch, T., Chomut, M., Brom, C., Bartak, R.: Inspect, Edit and Debug PDDL Documents: Simply and Efficiently with PDDL Studio, In: 22nd International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling - System Demonstrations and Exhibits, (2012). [VIDEO DESCRIPTION] [PDF]
    • Brom, C., Sisler, V., Buchtova, M., Klement, D., Levcik, D.: Turning High-Schools into Laboratories? Lessons Learnt from Studies of Instructional Effectiveness of Digital Games in the Curricular Schooling System. In (Stefan Gobel, Wolfgang Muller, Bodo Urban and Josef Wiemeyer, eds.): E-Learning and Games for Training, Education, Health and Sports 7th International Conference, Edutainment 2012 and 3rd International Conference, GameDays 2012, Darmstadt, Germany, September 18-20, LNCS Vol. 7516 (2012) pp. 41 - 53 [SPRINGER] Best paper award [PDF]
    • Sisler, V., Brom, C., Cuhra, J., Cinatl, K., Gemrot, J.: Stories from the History of Czechoslovakia, a serious game for teaching history of the Czech lands in the 20th century - notes on design concepts and design process. In (Herrlich, Marc; Malaka, Rainer; Masuch, Maic, Eds.): Proceedings of 11th International Conference, ICEC 2012, Bremen, Germany, LNCS Vol. 7522 (2012) pp. 65 - 72 [SPRINGER] [PDF]
    • Brom, C., Bromova, E., Pergel, M.: Towards a Brewery Educational Game: Would Existence of a Game Goal Improve Learning? In (Herrlich, Marc; Malaka, Rainer; Masuch, Maic, Eds.): Proceedings of 11th International Conference, ICEC 2012, Bremen, Germany, LNCS Vol. 7522 (2012) pp. 387 - 390 [SPRINGER] [PDF] [POSTER]
    • Bida, M., Cerny, M., Gemrot, J., Brom, C.: Evolution of GameBots project. In: Herrlich, M., Malaka, R., Masuch, M. (eds.) ICEC 2012. LNCS, vol. 7522, pp. 397--400. Springer, Heidelberg, 2012. [PDF]
    • Sisler, V., Buchtova, M., Brom, C., Hlavka, Z.: Towards Empirical-Theoretical Framework for Investigating Learning Effects of Serious Games: A Pilot Study of Europe 2045. In: Applied Playfulness, Eds. Wimmer, J., Mitgutsch, K., Rosenstingl, H. Vienna: New Academic Press, 2012. ISBN: 978-3-7003-1830-9, pp. 16-36 [PDF]
    • Kadlec, R., Toth, C., Cerny, M., Bartak, R., Brom, C.: Planning Is the Game: Action Planning as a Design Tool and Game Mechanism. In Proceedings of the Eighth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Digital Entertainment (AIIDE 2012), pp. 160-166, AAAI Press, (2012). [PDF]
    • Brom, C., Babor, P., Popelová, M., Bída, M., Tomek, J., Gemrot, J.: Controlling Three Agents in a Quarrel: Lessons learnt LNCS. In: Kallmann, M., Bekris, K. (eds.) MIG 2012, vol. 7660, pp. 158--169. Springer, Heidelberg, 2012. [PDF]
  • 2011
    • Gemrot, J., Brom, C., Plch, T.: A periphery of Pogamut: from bots to agents and back again. In: Agents for Games and Simulations II, LNCS 6525, Springer, pp. 19--37 (2011). The short version of this paper also appeared in Proc. Agents for Games and Simulations, AAMAS workshop pp. 1--19 (2010)[Workshop version][Full version]
    • Cermak, M., Kadlec, R., Brom, C.:Towards modeling false memory using virtual characters: a position paper. In: Symposium on Human Memory for Artificial Agents, AISB. pp. 25-29. ISBN 1 978-1-908187-04-8. (2011) [PDF]
    • Gemrot, J., Brom, C., Bryson, J., Bída, M.: How to compare usability of techniques for the specification of virtual agents' behavior? An experimental pilot study with human subjects. In: Proc. Agents for Educational Games and Simulations - International Workshop, AEGS 2011, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7471, Springer (2012) 38-62 [WORKSHOP VERSION] [FULL VERSION PDF]
    • Píbil, R., Novák, P., Brom, C., Gemrot, J.: Notes on pragmatic agent-programming with Jason. Programming Multi-Agent Systems - 9th International Workshop, ProMAS 2011, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7217 Springer (2012) 58-73 [WORKSHOP VERSION] [FULL VERSION PDF]
    • Brom, C., Preuss, M., Klement, D.: Are Educational Computer Micro-Games Engaging And Effective For Knowledge Acquisition At High-Schools? A Quasi-Experimental Study. In: Computers & Education 57 (2011), pp. 1971-1988, DOI: 10.1016/j.compedu.2011.04.007 [FINAL VERSION], preprint: [PDF]
    • Bída, M., Brom, C., Popelová, M.: To Date or Not to Date? A Minimalist Affect-Modulated Control Architecture for Dating Virtual Characters. In: Vilhjálmsson, H.H.,Kopp, S., Marsella, S., Thorisson, K.R. (eds.) IVA 2011. LNCS, vol. 6895, pp. 419--425. Springer, Heidelberg, 2011. [PDF]
    • Kadlec, R., Brom, C.: Towards an automatic diary: an activity recognition from a data collected by a mobile phone, In: Space, Time and Ambient Intelligence, IJCAI workshop, pp. 56-60, 2011. [PDF]
    • Popelova, M., Bida M., Brom, C., Gemrot, J., Tomek, J.: When a Couple Goes Together: Walk Along Steering. In Proc. Motion in Games, 2011, LNCS 7060, Springer,ISBN 978-3-642-25089-7, pp. 278-289, (2011). [PDF]
    • Bida, M., Brom, C., Popelova, M., Kadlec, R.: StoryFactory--A Tool for Scripting Machinimas in Unreal Engine 2 and UDK. In: Proceeding of ICIDS 2011, LNCS 7069, Springer, pp. 334--337, (2011). [PDF]
    • Plch, T.: Towards Believable Intelligent Virtual Agents with StateFull Hierarchical Reactive Planning. In: Safrankova, J. and Pavlu, J. (eds.) WDS 2011, Part I - Mathematics and Computer Sciences, Matfyzpress, Prague, pp. 119-124, ISBN 978-80-7378-184-2, 2011. [PDF]
    • Iveta Fajnerova, Mabel Rodriguez, Jiri Horacek, Cyril Brom, Zuzana Ceplova, Jan Bures, Kamil Vlcek: Prostorova kognice a schizofrenie, Psychiatrie, 2011, 15(Suppl.2), s.15-22 [PDF]
  • 2010
    • Brom, C., Sisler, V., Slavík, R.: Implementing Digital Game-Based Learning in Schools: Augmented Learning Environment of 'Europe 2045' In: Multimedia Systems,16(1), pp. 23-41, 2010, [Springer source] [PDF]
    • Gemrot, J., Brom, C., Kadlec, R., Bida, M., Burkert, O., Zemcak, L., Pibil, R. Pogamut 3 - Virtual Characters Made Simple. In: Advances in Cognitive Systems, The Institution Of Engineering And Technology, ISBN 978-1849190756, pp. 211--243, (2010). [PDF]
    • Brom, C., Poch, T., Sery, O.: AI Level of Detail for Really Large Worlds. In: Game Programming Gems 8, Course Technology PTR, pp. 213-231, 2010
    • Kadlec, R., Brom, C.: I can (almost) remember what you are doing: from actions to tasks. Symposium on Human Memory for Artificial Agents, AISB. pp. 27-30. (2010) [PDF]
    • Burkert, O., Brom, C., Kadlec, R., Lukavský, J.: Timing in Episodic Memory: Virtual Characters in Action. Symposium on Human Memory for Artificial Agents, AISB. pp. 1-8. (2010) [PDF]
    • Plch, T., Brom, C.: Enhancements for reactive planning - tricks and hacks, In: Proceedings of SOFSEM (2010) Czech Republic [PDF]
    • Kucerova, L., Brom, C., Kadlec, R.: Towards Planning the History of a Virtual Agent. In: ICAPS Workshop on Planning in Games 2010 [FULL THESIS] [PDF]
    • Preuss, M., Brom, C.: Orbis Pictus Bestialis: Virtuální učení zvířat. In: Kognice a umělý život X, pp. 295-302 (2010)
    • Brom, C., Bida, M., Klima, M., Gemrot, J., Pibil, R., Plch, T., Kadlec, R.: Virtuální agenti In: Umelá inteligencia a kognitívna veda II, STU v Bratislavě, pp. 21-52 (2010) [PDF]
    • Brom, C., Burkert, O., Kadlec, R.: Timing in Episodic Memory for Virtual Characters. In: Proceedings of the IEEE 2010 Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Games (CIG2010). [PDF]
    • Brom, C., Lukavský, J., Kadlec, R. : Episodic Memory for Human-like Agents and Human-like Agents for Episodic Memory. In: International Journal of Machine Consciousness (IJMC) Vol. 2. Issue 2. pp. 227-244. 2010. ("this is an updated version of the paper presented at BICA-08 symposium)
    • Bida, M., Brom, C.: StoryFactory: towards using virtual characters at high-schools. In: Proceedings of Workshop: Education in Interactive Digital Storytelling, ICIDS 2010, 2010, Edinburgh. [PDF]
    • Bida, M., Brom, C.: Emohawk: Learning Virtual Characters by Doing. In: Proceeding of ICIDS 2010, LNCS 6432, Springer, 2010, Edinburgh. pp. 271-274. ISBN-13 978-3-642-16637-7. [PDF]
    • Plch, T., Jedlicka, T., Brom, C.: Utilizing HLA for Connecting Virtual Worlds to Prototyping Tools, ITAT 2010, extende abstract. (2010). [PDF]
  • 2009
    • Brom, C.: Curricula of the course on modelling behaviour of human and animal-like agents. In: Proceedings of the Frontiers in Science Education Research Conference, Famagusta, North Cyprus. 2009, pp. 71 -- 79 [PDF]
    • Brom, C., Lukavsky, J.: Towards Virtual Characters with a Full Episodic Memory II: The Episodic Memory Strikes Back. In: Proc. Empathic Agents, AAMAS workshop (2009) 1--9 [PDF]
    • Gemrot, J., Kadlec, R., Bida, M., Burkert, O., Pibil, R., Havlicek, J., Zemcak, L., Simlovic, J., Vansa, R., Stolba, M., Plch, T., Brom C. Pogamut 3 Can Assist Developers in Building AI (Not Only) for Their Videogame Agents. In: Agents for Games and Simulations, LNCS 5920, Springer, pp. 1--15. (2009) The short version of this paper also appeared in Proc. Agents for Games and Simulations, AAMAS workshop (2009) 144--148 [PDF]
    • Tóth, P., Frynta, D. Brom, C.: Multiagentový model evolucie výberu životného prostredia. In: Kognice a umělý život IX (2009) 339-348 (in Czech) [PDF]
    • Machálek, J., Moudřík, J., Antolík, J., Brom, C.: Výpočetní model primární zrakové kůry: preference složitých tvarů a realistický vznik komplexních buněk. In: Kognice a umělý život IX (2009) 177-184 (in Czech) [PDF]
    • Kadlec, R., Brom, C.: Episodická paměť inteligentních virtuálních agentů. In: Proceedings of ITAT (2009) Slovak Republic (in Czech) [PDF]
    • Kadlec, R., Gemrot, J., Bída, M., Burkert, O., Havlíček, J., Zemčák, L., Pibil, R., Vansa, R., Brom, C.: Extensions and applications of Pogamut 3 platform. In: Proc. 9th IVA. LNAI, vol. 5773, pp.506--507. Springer (2009) [poster] [PDF]
    • Kadlec, R., Burkert, O., Brom, C.: Creating game bots in a few easy steps. Tutorial on MindTrek 2009, Tampere, Finland [PDF]
    • Kadlec, R., Gemrot, J., Brom, C.: Programování virtuálních agentů - Platforma Pogamut, Datakon 2009, Czech Republic (in Czech) [PDF]
    • Brom, C., Korenko, T., Lukavský, J.: How Do Place and Objects Combine? "What-Where" Memory for Human-Like Agents. In: Proc. 9th IVA. LNAI, vol. 5773, pp.42--48. Springer (2009) [pdf] [extended version of the paper] [accompanying video 1] (author: Jakub Kotrla) [accompanying video 2] (author: Tomas Korenko), [extended version of the paper -- PDF] [PDF]
    • Brom, C., Lukavský, J.: Towards More Human-Like Episodic Memory for More Human-Like Agents. In: Proc. 9th IVA. LNAI, vol. 5773, pp.484--485. Springer (2009) [pdf] [memory for timing] [PDF]
    • Brom, C., Bida, M., Gemrot, J., Kadlec, R., Plch, T. Emohawk: Searching for a "Good" Emergent Narrative. In: ICIDS 2009, Guimaraes, Portugal, LNCS 5915, Springer, p. 86-91. [PDF]
  • 2008
    • Bošanský, B., Brom, C.: Simulácia pracovníkov firmy pomocou autonómnych agentov. ("Simulation of a virtual company by means of autonomous agents") In: Sborník příspěvků z konference Kognice a umělý život. Praha (2008) 49-54 (in Czech)
    • Fajnerová, I., Vlček, K., Brom, C., Krulich, Z., Gemrot, J., Bída, M., Lukavský, J., Berka, R.: Priestorová navigácia vo virtuálnej realite. ("Navigation in virtual reality") In: Sborník příspěvků z konference Kognice a umělý život. Praha (2008) 97-102 (in Czech)
    • Preuss, M., Klement, D., Brom, C.: Operantní chování závislé na pozici pohybujícího se objektu - model se zpětnovazebním učením. ("A reinforcement learning model of operant behavior controlled by a moving object") In: Sborník příspěvků z konference Kognice a umělý život. Praha (2008) 253-262 (in Czech, abstract presented at Computational Neuroscience Meeting, Portland, Oregon, July 2008) [PDF] - an extended version of the abstract
    • Sisler, V., Brom, C.: Designing Educational Game: Case Study of 'Europe 2045'. In: Transactions on Edutainment I, LNCS 5080, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (2008) pp. 1--16 [PDF]
    • Brom, C., Holan, T., Balaš, D., Abonyi, A., Sisler, V., Galamboš, L.: Petri Nets for Representing Sotry Plots in Serious Games. In (Louchart, S., Robertson, J., eds) Special Edition of the Artificial Intelligence and the Simulation of Behaviour Journal - AI and narrative games (accepted)
    • Kučerová, L., Brom, C.: Výukový nástroj pro simulaci vlčí smečky. ("Educational simulation: a pack of wolves") In: Sborník příspěvků z konference Kognice a umělý život. Praha (2008) 97-102 (in Czech)
    • Bošanský, B., Brom, C.: Agent-Based Simulation of Business Processes in a Virtual World. In: Proceedings of Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Systems Third International Workshop, HAIS 2008, LNCS 5271, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (2008) 86-94 [PDF]
    • Sisler, V., Brom, C., Slavik, R.: Towards a Novel Paradigm for Educational Games: The Augmented Learning Environment of "Europe 2045". In: Proc. of 12th International MindTrek Conference, Association for Computing Machinery, Inc (ACM) (2008) 34-38 [PDF]
    • Brom, C.: Virtuální učení. ("Virtual learning") In: Vesmír, 87/10 (2008) 706-711 [PDF]
    • Gemrot, J., Kadlec, R., Vidnerová, P., Brom, C.: Evoluce chování virtuálních postav v 3D hrách. In: Proceedings of ITAT (2008) Slovak Republic (in Czech) [PDF]
    • Sisler, V., Brom, C., Slavik, R.: Towards a Novel Paradigm for Educational Games: The Augmented Learning Environment of "Europe 2045" In: 12th International MindTrek Conference: Entertainment and Media in the Ubiquitous Era, (Eds.) Lugmayr, A., Mayra, F., Franssila, H. Lietsala, K., 2008, ISBN: 978-1-60558-197-2, pp. 34-38. [PDF]
    • Balas, D., Brom, C., Abonyi, A., Gemrot, J.: Hierarchical Petri Nets for Story Plots Featuring Virtual Humans. In: Proceedings of Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Digital Entertainment 2008, pages 2-9, Stanford, California, USA. [PDF]
    • Bída, M., Brom, C.: Towards a platform for the education in emotion modeling based on virtual environments. In: Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Emotion and Computing: Current Research and Future Impact. (Ed. Dirk Reichardt) ISSN 1865-6374, Kaiserslautern, Germany, September 23rd, 2008. 45 - 52. [PDF]
    • C. Brom, J. Lukavský : Episodic Memory for Human-like Agents and Human-like Agents for Episodic Memory. Technical Reports FS-08-04, Papers from the AAAI Fall Symposium Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures. Westin Arlington, VA, USA, pp. 42-47, AAAI Press, 2008. (updated version of this paper has been published in IJMC journal in 2010) [PDF]
    • M. Bída, C. Brom: Emoční modely ve virtuálních prostředích. Kognice 2008: Recenzovaný sborník IV. ročníku konference s mezinárodní učastí, Hradec Králové, pp. 198-207, Gaudeamus, 2008.
    • Brom, C., Gemrot, J., Burkert, O., Kadlec, R., Bída, M.: 3D Immersion in Virtual Agents Education In: Proceedings of First Joint International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling, ICIDS 2008 Erfurt, Germany, November 26-29, LNCS 5334, Springer-Verlag, Berlin (2008) 59-70 [PDF]
  • 2007
    • Brom, C., Sisler, C., Holan, T.: Story Manager in ‘Europe 2045’ Uses Petri Nets. In: Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Virtual Storytelling, Saint-Malo, France. Springer-Verlag, Berlin (in press) [PDF]
    • Brom, C., Pešková, K., Lukavský, J.: Where Did I Put My Glasses? Determining Trustfulness of Records in Episodic Memory by Means of an Associative Network. In: Proc. of ECAL 2007, LNCS 4648, Lisbon, Portugal. Springer-Verlag, Berlin (2007) 243-252 [PDF]
    • Brom, C., Pešková, K., Lukavský, J.: What does your actor remember? Towards characters with a full episodic memory. Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Virtual Storytelling, Saint-Malo, France. Springer-Verlag, Berlin (in press) [PDF]
    • Brom, C., Pešková, K., Lukavský, J.: Episodická paměť pro virtuální postavy. In: Sborník příspěvků z konference Kognice a umělý život VII. Slezská univerzita v Opavě, Opava (2007) 263-274 (in Czech) [PDF]
    • Bída, M., Kadlec, R., Brom, C: Význam emocí pro umělé bytosti. (Relevance of emotions for artificial beings). A book chapter. In: Mind, intelligence and life. Vydavateľstvo STU, Bratislava (2007) 158-172 (in Czech) [PDF]
    • Brom, C., Serý, O., Poch, T.: Simulation Level of Detail for Virtual Humans. In: Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Inteligent Virtual Humans, LNCS Vol. 4722. Paris, France. Springer-Verlag, Berlin. (2007) 1-14 [PDF]
    • Brom, C., Vlčková, Z.: IVE: Virtual Humans’ AI Prototyping Toolkit. In: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTER AND INFORMATION SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING, Vol. 1, Nr. 1, ISSN 1307-4164 (2007) 48-53 [PDF]
    • Bošanský, B., Brom, C.: Simulácia firmy prostredníctvom autonómnych agentov. In: Sborník příspěvků z ITAT (2007) (in Czech) [PDF]
    • Brom, C., Sisler, V., Hoffmann, M.: Virtuální lidé. A book chapter. In (Mařík V., Stěpánková O., Lažanský J., eds): Umělá inteligence 5. Academia, Prague (2007) (in Czech)
    • Burkert, O., Kadlec, R., Gemrot, J., Bída, M., Havlíček, J., Dörfler, M., Brom, C.: Towards fast prototyping of IVAs behavior: Pogamut 2 In: Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Inteligent Virtual Humans, LNCS Vol. 4722. Paris, France. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 362--363, (2007) [PDF] and Poster
    • Burkert, O., Kadlec, R., Gemrot, J., Bída, M., Havlíček, J., Brom, C.: Jak rychle prototypovat chování umělých bytostí: Pogamut 2 In: Sborník příspěvků z ITAT (2007) (in Czech) [PDF]
    • Kadlec, R., Gemrot, J., Burkert, O., Bída, M., Havlíček, Brom, C., : POGAMUT 2 - A platform for fast development of virtual agents' behaviour, In: Proceedings of CGAMES 07, La Rochelle, France, p. 49--53, 2007. [PDF]
  • 2006
    • Brom, C., Lukavský, J., Šerý, O., Poch, T., Šafrata, P.: Affordances and level-of-detail AI for virtual humans. In: Proceedings of Game Set and Match 2, The Netherlands, Delft (2006) [PDF]
    • Brom, C., Lukavský, J.: Proč je hranice mezi virtuální bytostí a jejím světem neostrá. In: Sborník příspěvků z konference Kognice a umělý život, Třešť (2006) 97-106 (in Czech) [PDF]
    • Šerý, O., Poch, T., Šafrata, P., Brom, C.: Level-Of-Detail in Behaviour of Virtual Humans. In: Proceedings of SOFSEM 2006: Theory and Practice of Computer Science, LNCS 3831, Springer-Verlag (c), Czech Republic (2006) 565 - 574 - best paper in student research forum [PDF]
    • Brom, C., Abonyi A.: Petri-Nets for Game Plot. In: Proceedings of AISB – Artificial Intelligence and Simulation Behaviour Convention, Bristol (2006) 6 - 13 [PDF]
    • Bída, M., Brom, C., Kadlec, R.: Význam emocí pro umělé bytosti In: Jozef Kelemen, Vladimír Kvasnička (eds.): Sborník příspěvků z konference Kognice a umělý život, Slezská Universita v Opavě, Třešť (2006) 59-66 (in Czech)
    • Bída, M., Burket, O., Brom, C., Gemrot, J.: Pogamut - Platforma pro prototypování botů v Unreal Tournamentu In: Jozef Kelemen, Vladimír Kvasnička (eds.): Sborník příspěvků z konference Kognice a umělý život, Slezská Universita v Opavě, Třešť (2006) 67-74 (in Czech)
    • Popular articles concerning artificial beings... in Třetí pól (in Czech)
    • Brom, C., Gemrot, J., Bída, M., Burkert, O., Partington S. J., and Bryson, J. J.: POSH Tools for Game Agent Development by Students and Non-Programmers, In: Proceedings of CGAMES 06, Dublin, Ireland (2006) 126 -- 135 (short version of this paper also presented at SOFSEM 2007 Student Research Forum poster presentations) [PDF]
  • 2005
    • Brom, C.: Virtual humans - how to represent their knowledge. In: Proceedings of ITAT (2005) Slovak Republic (2005) (in Czech) [PDF]
    • Brom, C., Šerý, O., Poch, T., Šafrata, P.: GAL: Towards Large Simulations with Tens of Agents. In: Proceedings of Intelligent Virtual Agents, Greece, LNAI 3661, Springer, Berlin (2005) 493 - abstract of a poster
    • Brom, C., Kocáb, P.: Virtual agents in a simulation of an ISO-company. In: Proceedings of Intelligent Virtual Agents, Greece, LNAI 3661, Springer, Berlin (2005) 494
    • Brom, C.: Hierarchical Reactive Planning: Where is its limit? In: Proceedings of MNAS - Modelling Natural Action Selection. Edinburgh, Scotland (2005) [PDF]
    • Bojar, O., Brom, C., Hladík, M., Toman, V.: The Project ENTs: Towards Modeling Human-like Artificial Agents. In: SOFSEM 2005 Communications - student research forum, Slovak Republic (2005) [PDF]
    • Hoffman, M., Brom, C.: Agents vs. Rossum’s Robots: Towards Intelligent Living Machines. In: Proceedings of e-Golem workshop, Czech-Argentine bienale, Prague, Czech Republic (2005) [PDF]
  • 2004
    • Brom, C.: Towards Architecture of Human-like Artificial Agent: Project ENTs. In: WDS'04 Proceedings of Contributed Papers, Prague, Matfyzpress (2004)
  • 2003
    • Bojar, O., Brom, C., Hladík, M., Vejlupek, M., Toman, V., Voňka D.: ENTs - A Simulator of Human-like Natural Environment. In: MIS proceedings 2003, Matfyzpress, Czech Republic (2003) 3-14 (in Czech)
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