

Project IVE, affordances, level-of-detail AI

Key words: virtual human, large virtual environment, action selection, reactive planning, intention, affordance, level of detail AI, role-passing

Virtual company

  • Brom, C., Kocáb, P.: Virtual agents in a simulation of an ISO-company. In: Proceedings of Intelligent Virtual Agents, Greece, LNAI 3661, Springer, Berlin (2005) 494

Virtual storytelling

Key words: virtual human, drama manager, petri nets, narrative, large virtual environment, large plot, reactive planning
  • Brom, C., Abonyi A.: Petri-Nets for Game Plot. In: Proceedings of AISB � Artificial Intelligence and Simulation Behaviour Convention, Bristol (2006) 6 - 13

Project ENTs, reactive planning

Key words: virtual human, virtual gardener, hierarchical reactive planning, action selection
  • Brom, C.: Hierarchical Reactive Planning: Where is its limit? In: Proceedings of MNAS - Modelling Natural Action Selection. Edinburgh, Scotland (2005)
  • Bojar, O., Brom, C., Hladík, M., Toman, V.: The Project ENTs: Towards Modeling Human-like Artificial Agents. In: SOFSEM 2005 Communications - student research forum, Slovak Republic (2005)
  • Brom, C.: Towards Architecture of Human-like Artificial Agent: Project ENTs. In: WDS'04 Proceedings of Contributed Papers, Prague, Matfyzpress (2004)
  • Bojar, O., Brom, C., Hladík, M., Vejlupek, M., Toman, V., Voňka D.: ENTs - A Simulator of Human-like Natural Environment. In: MIS proceedings 2003, Matfyzpress, Czech Republic (2003) 3-14 (in Czech)


  • Bída, M., Brom, C., Kadlec, R.: Význam emocí pro umělé bytosti In: Jozef Kelemen, Vladimír Kvasnička (eds.): Sborník příspěvků z konference Kognice a umělý život, Slezská Universita v Opavě, Třešť (2006) 59-66 (in Czech)
  • Bída, M., Burket, O., Brom, C., Gemrot, J.: Pogamut - Platforma pro prototypování botů v Unreal Tournamentu In: Jozef Kelemen, Vladimír Kvasnička (eds.): Sborník příspěvků z konference Kognice a umělý život, Slezská Universita v Opavě, Třešť (2006) 67-74 (in Czech)
  • Hoffman, M., Brom, C.: Agents vs. Rossum’s Robots: Towards Intelligent Living Machines. In: Proceedings of e-Golem workshop, Czech�Argentine bienale, Prague, Czech Republic (2005)
  • Popular articles concerning artificial beings... in Třetí pól (in Czech)
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This site is partialy supported by the grant project GA UK 351/2006/A-INF/MFF.