Staff members

Cyril Brom www
(head bear tamer)

Jakub Gemrot
PhD Candidates

Michal Bída

Tomáš Plch
Martin Černý
Pogamut, Action selection:Lukáš Zemčák
Martin Dekar
Tomáš Witzany
Jan Dufek
Planning in games:
Matouš Kozma
Virtual Storytelling:
Filip Řepka
Episodic and spatial memory:
Michal Čermák
Computational biology:
Miloš Broulík
Computer games, Level-of-detail AI, Virtual Storytelling:
Petr Kučera
Martin Vejman
Michal Klein
Bohuslav Machač
Serious games — students, collaborators
(Joint with New Media Studies, Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague)Vít Šisler
Tereza Hannemann (Selmbacherová)
Michaela Slussareff
Viktor Dobrovolny
Edita Bromova
Ondřej Javora
Filip Děchtěrenko
Pogamut, Action selection:Tomáš Mikula - Hierarchical reactive planning with transions
Lukáš Bajer - Movement in project ENTs
Michal Štolba - Fuzzy rules for the project Pogamut 2
Radek Píbil - Pogamut and Defcon integration
Michal Danilák - Benchmarks for UT bots
Jan Havlíček - Tools for virtual agent behavior specification in POSH
Ondra Vykouk - Evaluation of languages for creating intelligent virtual agent behaviors
Episodic and spatial memory:
Klára Pešková - Memory model for a human-like agent
Josef Reidinger - Episodic memory for project IVE
Ondřej Burkert - Connectionist Model of Episodic Memory for Virtual Humans
Jakub Kotrla - Space maps for human-like agents
Tomáš Soukup - Episodic memory with forgetting being influenced by emotions
Tomáš Korenko - Spatial memory
Lucie Kučerová - Generating episodic memories for RPG's actors
Rudolf Kadlec - Modelling episodic memory by bayesian networks
Michal Čermák - False memory modelling
Planning in Games:
Csaba Tóth - Planning systems in game level design and agent control
Virtual company:
Brano Bošanský - A virtual company simulation by means of autonomous agents
Jan Návrat - A virtual company simulation by means of autonomous agents (editor)
Eyetracking in Virtual Reality:
Jozef Jirásek
Navigation using virtual reality:
Iva Šupalová - Adaptation of spatial navigation tests to virtual reality
Computer games, Educational games, Level-of-detail AI, Virtual Storytelling:
Daniel Balaš, Adam Abonyi - Drama manager by means of Petri Nets
Tomáš Poch, Ondřej Šerý - project IVE (level of detail, virtual affordances)
Martin Juhasz, Jiří Vorba - an editor for project IVE
Ondřej Sýkora - Artificial intelligence for real-time strategic games
Jano Kis, Pavel Kasík - A prototype of multiplayer in UFO computer game
Michal Preuss - a serious game on the topic of animal training
Petr Zíta - Level of detail AI for simulations of large artificial environments
Jiří Kroužil - HTN planning in the context of games
Ondřej Holeček - Planning in IVE
David Skupien - extensions to LOD AI in IVE
Petr Babor - modelling three agents in a quarrel
Jakub Tomek - Navigation Mesh for the Virtual Environment of Unreal Tournament 2004
Vojtěch Tůma - Role of communication in team-oriented FPS games
David Holaň - Items and actions in 3D virtual environment Emohawkville
Computational neuroscience, computational ethology:
Jiří Machálek - V1/V2 modelling
Jan Vyhnánek - computational model of disorientation effect
J. Moudřík - V1/V2 modelling
Peter Tóth - bird nesting simulation
Markéta Tomková (Popelová) - modelling auditory cortex
Jakub Tomek - modeling aggregation behaviour of cockroaches
General AI:
Larysa Aharkava - External environment for Soar
External collaborators & fellows
Joanna J. Bryson — AmonI group, University of Bath wwwLisa M. Glenk — www — Vetmeduni Vienna
Frank Dignum — Utrecht University, www
Koen Hindriks — Delft University of Technology, www
Stan Franklin's group — Cognitive Computing Research Group
Vít Šisler — New Media Studies, Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague www
Jiří Lukavský — Institute of Psychology of the ASCR www
Kamil Vlček — Institute of Physiology of the ASCR
Daniel Frynta — Ecology and Ethology Research Group, Faculty of Science www
Otakar Nieder — Bohemia Interactive Simulations
Petr Jakubíček — Generation Europe