

Staff members


Cyril Brom www
(head bear tamer)


Jakub Gemrot

PhD Candidates


Michal Bída


Tomáš Plch

Martin Černý


Pogamut, Action selection:
Lukáš Zemčák
Martin Dekar
Tomáš Witzany
Jan Dufek

Planning in games:
Matouš Kozma

Virtual Storytelling:
Filip Řepka

Episodic and spatial memory:
Michal Čermák

Computational biology:
Miloš Broulík

Computer games, Level-of-detail AI, Virtual Storytelling:
Petr Kučera
Martin Vejman
Michal Klein
Bohuslav Machač

Serious games — students, collaborators

(Joint with New Media Studies, Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague)
Vít Šisler
Tereza Hannemann (Selmbacherová)
Michaela Slussareff
Viktor Dobrovolny
Edita Bromova
Ondřej Javora
Filip Děchtěrenko


Pogamut, Action selection:
Tomáš Mikula - Hierarchical reactive planning with transions
Lukáš Bajer - Movement in project ENTs
Michal Štolba - Fuzzy rules for the project Pogamut 2
Radek Píbil - Pogamut and Defcon integration
Michal Danilák - Benchmarks for UT bots
Jan Havlíček - Tools for virtual agent behavior specification in POSH
Ondra Vykouk - Evaluation of languages for creating intelligent virtual agent behaviors

Episodic and spatial memory:
Klára Pešková - Memory model for a human-like agent
Josef Reidinger - Episodic memory for project IVE
Ondřej Burkert - Connectionist Model of Episodic Memory for Virtual Humans
Jakub Kotrla - Space maps for human-like agents
Tomáš Soukup - Episodic memory with forgetting being influenced by emotions
Tomáš Korenko - Spatial memory
Lucie Kučerová - Generating episodic memories for RPG's actors
Rudolf Kadlec - Modelling episodic memory by bayesian networks
Michal Čermák - False memory modelling

Planning in Games:
Csaba Tóth - Planning systems in game level design and agent control

Virtual company:
Brano Bošanský - A virtual company simulation by means of autonomous agents
Jan Návrat - A virtual company simulation by means of autonomous agents (editor)

Eyetracking in Virtual Reality:
Jozef Jirásek

Navigation using virtual reality:
Iva Šupalová - Adaptation of spatial navigation tests to virtual reality

Computer games, Educational games, Level-of-detail AI, Virtual Storytelling:
Daniel Balaš, Adam Abonyi - Drama manager by means of Petri Nets
Tomáš Poch, Ondřej Šerý - project IVE (level of detail, virtual affordances)
Martin Juhasz, Jiří Vorba - an editor for project IVE
Ondřej Sýkora - Artificial intelligence for real-time strategic games
Jano Kis, Pavel Kasík - A prototype of multiplayer in UFO computer game
Michal Preuss - a serious game on the topic of animal training
Petr Zíta - Level of detail AI for simulations of large artificial environments
Jiří Kroužil - HTN planning in the context of games
Ondřej Holeček - Planning in IVE
David Skupien - extensions to LOD AI in IVE
Petr Babor - modelling three agents in a quarrel
Jakub Tomek - Navigation Mesh for the Virtual Environment of Unreal Tournament 2004
Vojtěch Tůma - Role of communication in team-oriented FPS games
David Holaň - Items and actions in 3D virtual environment Emohawkville

Computational neuroscience, computational ethology:
Jiří Machálek - V1/V2 modelling
Jan Vyhnánek - computational model of disorientation effect
J. Moudřík - V1/V2 modelling
Peter Tóth - bird nesting simulation
Markéta Tomková (Popelová) - modelling auditory cortex
Jakub Tomek - modeling aggregation behaviour of cockroaches

General AI:
Larysa Aharkava - External environment for Soar

External collaborators & fellows

Joanna J. Bryson — AmonI group, University of Bath www
Lisa M. Glenk — www — Vetmeduni Vienna
Frank Dignum — Utrecht University, www
Koen Hindriks — Delft University of Technology, www
Stan Franklin's group — Cognitive Computing Research Group
Vít Šisler — New Media Studies, Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague www
Jiří Lukavský — Institute of Psychology of the ASCR www
Kamil Vlček — Institute of Physiology of the ASCR
Daniel Frynta — Ecology and Ethology Research Group, Faculty of Science www
Otakar Nieder — Bohemia Interactive Simulations
Petr Jakubíček — Generation Europe

Created by admin. Last Modification: Sunday 18 of September, 2016 13:01:57 GMT-0000 by cyril.
This site is partialy supported by the grant project GA UK 351/2006/A-INF/MFF.